The Celestial Bouquet Money Envelope


Pack Size: Pack of 25

Pack of 25
Pack of 50
Pack of 75
Pack of 100
Total :

The Celestial Bouquet

This exquisite money envelope evokes a sense of ethereal beauty. Its ivory surface provides a canvas for a delicate watercolor painting of a blue floral bouquet, reminiscent of a moonlit garden. The name "The Celestial Bouquet" perfectly captures the essence of this envelope, suggesting a gift that is both heavenly and precious. This envelope is ideal for special occasions where a touch of romance and elegance is desired.

Size of the envelope when closed: 7 x 3 inches 
A double tape seal is included.
Material: About 300g cream cardstock with high quality printing. 
Golden border and names is shiny printing. 

Additional Information
Pack Size

Pack of 25, Pack of 50, Pack of 75, Pack of 100