The Skylight Surprise Money Envelope


Pack Size: Pack of 25

Pack of 25
Pack of 50
Pack of 75
Pack of 100
Total :

The Skylight Surprise

This money envelope, bathed in a soft, calming shade of light blue, evokes a sense of serenity and tranquility. Its delicate hue, reminiscent of a clear summer sky, creates an air of peace and optimism. The name "The Skylight Surprise" perfectly captures the essence of this envelope, suggesting a gift that will bring joy and happiness, much like the unexpected warmth of a skylight on a cloudy day. This envelope is ideal for those seeking a touch of serenity and a sense of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

Size of the envelope when closed: 7 x 3 inches 
A double tape seal is included.

Additional Information
Pack Size

Pack of 25, Pack of 50, Pack of 75, Pack of 100